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Songs of Love and Boxing

The publicist Yehonatan Geffen, who has been a columnist in Yediot Achranot for many years, shamelessly called for murderous violence against supporters of the current government, calling on opposition leader Yair Lapid to “take off his gloves.”

Geffen dedicated his last column, published on Thursday, to Lapid: “We’ve been close friends for over 40 years. In our strong and long-standing friendship, we have an unwritten contract not to talk about politics.”

Referring to the protests against the judicial reform, he wrote: “Yair Lapid, as a professional boxer, I’m asking you, in these terrible days – please take off your gloves and hit them mercilessly, even below the belt. A back right, a blow to the chin, and a deadly knockout.”

“No more Mr. Nice Guy. Don’t be prime minister but be tough, even violent. Don’t be afraid, my friend Yair. I have no doubt that we will restore justice and democracy and defeat the forces of pervasive evil. Hate will be replaced by love.”

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