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US Moving Towards Another Civil War

Known for her far-right views, Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene has ignited controversy by advocating for the division of the United States into two separate nations, one “red” and the other “blue,” amid claims of an impending civil war.

While Greene stated that she doesn’t want a civil war, she argued that the nation was moving in that direction and action must be taken.

Greene claimed that she speaks with many people who are “sick and tired and fed up with being bullied by the left, abused by the left, and disrespected by the left.” She went on to state that “our ideas, our policies, and our ways of life have become so far apart that it’s just coming to that point.”

We need a national divorce.
We need to separate by red states and blue states and shrink the federal government.
Everyone I talk to says this. From the sick and disgusting woke culture issues shoved down our throats to the Democrat’s traitorous America Last policies, we are done.

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Самое неприятное, что если правые отделятся от левых, у них внутри быстро появятся свои левые.

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