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Результаты выборов в Финляндии

Finland is likely to get a new Prime Minister after an election win for Petteri Orpo's centre-right National Coalition Party (NCP). With more than 98 percent of the vote counted on election night, the NCP had 20.8 percent of the vote and 48 seats in parliament.

Orpo faces a difficult job forming a government in the new parliament.

The radical right Finns Party, meanwhile, gained seven new MPs and took 20 percent of the vote.

Orpo faces a difficult job forming a government in the new parliament

Current premier Sanna Marin's Social Democrats increased their share of the vote and number of seats by three, but still finished in third place on 19.9 percent.

The Centre Party, Left Alliance and Greens all suffered large losses after their participation in the current five-party coalition.

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Так (радикально) изменилась политическая карта Финляндии

Зеленый - Центр
Голубой - Истинные Финны
Красный - СД
Желтый - Шведская Народная партия
Синий - Коалиция
Салатовый - Зеленые

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