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UK: Miscarriage of justice

Since I was arrested in 2003, the police, the prison system and probation service have been calling me a liar because I denied that I committed the crime

Andrew Malkinson, who spent 17 years in prison for a rape he did not commit, has said he may look into getting a Dutch passport as England “doesn’t feel like home after what I’ve been through”.

Mr Malkinson, 57, was wrongly found guilty of raping a woman in Greater Manchester in 2003 and the next year was jailed for life with a minimum term of seven years.

He served 10 more years because he maintained his innocence, but his conviction was quashed by senior judges at the Court of Appeal on Wednesday after DNA evidence linking another man to the crime came to light.

Andrew Malkinson: Greater Manchester Police 'institutionally corrupt' after false rape conviction

The legal charity, Appeal, said it took Greater Manchester Police (GMP) to court twice to obtain evidence which had been withheld from the defence at Mr Malkinson’s original trial.

It also accused the force of unlawfully destroying key evidence connected to the case.

Mr Malkinson is now also concerned that he could, under current rules, face deductions from any compensation for the living costs covered during his time in prison.


Man who was wrongfully jailed for rape says England ‘doesn’t feel like home…
Andrew Malkinson’s conviction was quashed by senior judges at the Court of Appeal on Wednesday.
Evening StandardWWW.STANDARD.CO.UK
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Не зря один из фактических создателей Habeas Corpus Act судья Мэтью Хейл предупреждал, что изнасилование - это "an accusation easily to be made and hard to be proved, and harder to be defended by the party accused, … never so innocent." Что уж говорить про так называемое "изнасилование в браке" против которого Хейл выдвинул (именно с целью защиты людей от произаольных посадок) свою "брачную оговорку".

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