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UK: Civil service undermined Brexit and Boris Johnson 'at every turn'

Высокопоставленная бюрократка, расследовавшая "партигейт" - скандал, в результате которого Премьер-министр Б. Джонсон вынужден был подать в отставку - стала сотрудницей штаба лидера оппозиционной Лейбористкой партии. Что заставляет консерваторов сомневаться в политической неангажированности всего госаппарата и даже обвинять его в саботаже.

Former Tory chairman Sir Jake Berry told GB News he had personally witnessed the civil service trying to undermine the Government as he criticised senior civil servant Sue Gray for joining Sir Keir Starmer's team.

The Rossendale and Darwen MP said Labour's appointment of the woman who investigated lockdown parties in Downing Street during the pandemic was "just another brick in the wall" in undermining Britons' trust in the civil service.

The British people voted for Brexit, and I was in Government and I saw first hand civil servants at every turn try to frustrate Brexit.

The British people then voted for Boris Johnson to actually deliver the Brexit they had voted for a couple of year earlier, and then it feels like because of this appointment of Sue Gray we then saw the civil rice try to frustrate and remove Boris Johnson from office.


Northern Ireland Secretary Chris Heaton-Harris has called for Labour leader Keir Starmer to share his messages with Sue Gray to clarify if there was any bias over Partygate.

The Labour leader has faced questions after it emerged that Gray, who received national prominence for her role investigating lockdown-breaking parties in Downing Street, will become his chief of staff.

Labour politicians, in the past, have raised lots of questions about civil servants who've immediately moved into positions on the other side of the fence.

So I think the simplest way to solve this situation is for Keir Starmer just to publish all the information or all the messages and stuff they had with Sue Gray at that time.


Boris Johnson and Brexit undermined by civil service blasts Jake Berry afte…
Sir Jake Berry claimed he had seen first hand evidence of the civil service undermining the Conservative Government
Starmer urged to publish messages to Sue Gray amid fears of Partygate stitc…
There have been questions over the impartiality of the senior civil servant's independence after accepting a job with La…
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Comments (3)

Ну так нынешний премьер это прекрасно понимает. Впрочем, это понимала еще Маргарет Тэтчер которая начала работу с "отстрела" высших бюрократов. Они были неплохо защищены но она видимо весьма умело взялась за дело. В итоге ей удавалось контролировать это бедствие (не искоренить а просто держать в рамках).


Но ведь вечеринки были, так или иначе.

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