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England: Local elections 2023

Conservative MPs say the party has had a "terrible night" in the local elections, with the Tories on course for heavy losses.

In Rishi Sunak's first electoral test since becoming Prime Minister, both Labour and the Liberal Democrats have made significant gains across England.

The Conservatives have lost control in areas of the country seen to be key to winning the next general election with Labour gaining control of Plymouth.

Conservative minister and Plymouth Moor View MP John Mercer said: "It’s been a terrible night in Plymouth as we lost every seat we stood in.

"We lost some outstanding friends and colleagues who have given decades of service to Plymouth."

Meanwhile, Conservative party chairman Greg Hands admitted to GB News that it had been a "disappointing" night.

"It was always clear we were going to have a difficult night," he said.

The Conservative party had a difficult year last year - the whole country had a difficult year - but Rishi Sunak and the team are getting on with the job, delivering on the five priorities of halving inflation, restoring growth, cutting the debt, reducing hospital waiting lists and stopping the boats.

Critics of the Prime Minister with the Tories have warned that a failure to offer "Conservative policies" was to blame for the bad night.

"Many former Conservative voters stayed at home in protest at high taxes, lack of control of our borders, and too much local and national government interference in their lives," said former Cabinet minister Sir John Redwood.

If the PM wants to win back lost Conservative voters he should try offering some Conservative policies.

Cut taxes, get better value for state spending and go for growth.


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