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You Might Survive a Nuclear Blast—if You Have the Right Shelter

From meeting the King to checking out the nuclear bunker

If Sir Keir Starmer becomes the new Prime Minister he will walk into the official residence as the first Labour PM since 2010.

Staying on the topic of a possible nuclear apocalypse, one of the most important meetings the new prime minister has is with the Chief of the Defence Staff, a position currently held by Admiral Sir Tony Radakin.

During the meeting, the Chief of the Defence Staff will explain the process of writing letters of last resort with instructions for the commanders of Britain’s Vanguard Class of nuclear-armed submarines. The letters, which must be hand written, are set to instruct officers on what to do if Britain has fallen victim to a nuclear attack and the prime minister is either dead or incapacitated.

The Chief of the Defence Staff will explain the options, which are said to include retaliating, not retaliating, using their own judgement and putting themselves under the command of the US, if the Washington government is still functioning.

The unopened letters of last resort written by the previous PM must also be destroyed immediately. The incoming Prime Minister is likely to be advised to take their time and not rush into writing the letters straight away after a sleepless night.


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