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Severe traffic disruption ongoing on Danish roads

Chaos currently reigns on the nation’s roads

Датские шоферы перекрыли дороги в знак протеста против нового налога на климат

Недовольство связано с новым налогом на километраж для грузовиков, который «центристское правительство» Дании под руководством социал-демократов протолкнуло вместе с поддержавшими его левыми партиями.

Новый налог будет введен с 1 января 2025 года, а с 2030 года вождение грузовика в Дании будет стоить в среднем 13 датских крон за 10 километров.

Официально считается, что налог на километраж должен помочь сохранить климат, убедив больше транспортных компаний инвестировать в электрические грузовики.

Blocked off motorways

Reports are coming in from all over the country of trucks are blocking key routes: roundabouts, entry points to motorways, and roads to important hubs such as Copenhagen Airport.

“Don’t give in,” urges green group

Environmentalist groups are happy with the government’s plans to raise the tax applicable to petrol or diesel-fuelled HGV vehicles from 2025 onwards.

“I’ve seen drivers dressed in yellow vests blocking the roads today,” wrote Bjarke Møller, the head of Rådet for Grøn Omstilling, on Twitter this morning.

“But they already get a large discount, compared to how much they should pay in relation to the environmental impact. It’s an important step to promoting a green transition to electric vehicles.”

Rail strike will affect airport service

The road blockages aren’t the only strikes likely to affect transport today.

From 15:00, those travelling to Copenhagen Airport are best advised to catch the Metro, as a strike by Swedish rail staff could seriously disrupt train services to the airport – and further on to Sweden

Further rail strikes could take place on Friday 19 May and Monday 22 May.


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