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With democracy under siege around the world, the U.K. offers a glimmer of hope

Nigel Farage fears he is being forced out of the UK as he demands "this madness" needs to stop

Farage claims life in Britain is becoming “completely unlivable” after his bank accounts were closed without much explanation.

The former UKIP leader, who said he had been with the banking group for 43-years, was contacted around eight weeks ago and told “we are closing your accounts”.

He also revealed seven other banks have refused to help him open a new account.

Speaking about the issue last week, he said: "May well fundamentally affect my future career going on from here and whether I could even stay living in this country."

I have been with the same banking group since 1980. I've had my personal accounts with them since that date, and my business accounts right through the 1990s when I worked in the City of London and in recent years too.

Farage added that he is going to take "a week or two off, maybe a few more" to consider his next steps.

Writing on Twitter, he called for other people affected by similar situations to "speak out", adding: "We have to stop this madness."

He also issued a direct warning to his loyal viewers that anything they said on Facebook or Twitter could come back to haunt them and land them in a similar position.

"Anything you say on Facebook or Twitter may result in you losing your bank accounts too. That is, I think, how scary this whole thing is," Farage told his GB News viewers.


Nigel Farage demands 'this madness has to stop' over concerns he is being f…
Nigel Farage revealed his bank accounts had been closed without much explanation
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