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Serbia: Second term for Vucic

The results of Serbia's presidential and parliamentary elections show that Aleksandar Vucic and his Serbian Progressive Party (SPP) have won convincing victories.

In a joint forecast, election observer CeSID and the sociological organization Ipsos predict that Vucic will win a second five-year term as president, receiving almost 60% of the vote.

At the same time, the Progressive Party will maintain its dominant role in the National Assembly, securing more than 40% of the vote.

Assuming that they form their usual coalition with the Socialist Party, they should have a comfortable ruling majority.

Alexander Vucic said he was “proud” of the “great support of the people” and described his campaign as “the cleanest and most beautiful in Serbia's history”.

He named continuing Serbia's modernization, attracting foreign investment and ensuring peace and stability as priorities for his second term. He noted that he would seek to maintain Belgrade's traditional ties with Moscow, despite Russia's invasion of Ukraine, while continuing EU membership talks.

“Good relations in the region are the most important thing, but also not to break ties with traditional friends,” he said.

The election commission will publish the official results Monday night. But it now seems clear that Serbs have chosen the “peace and stability” that Vucic promised he and his party would guarantee.

One of the most prominent members of the oppositional left-green Moramo movement, environmentalist Alexander Jovanovic called on his supporters to “defend every vote on the street” if there is evidence of voting irregularities.


Serbia: Second term for Vucic, SPP wins about 40% - Novinite.com - Sofia Ne…
The results of Serbia's presidential and parliamentary elections show that Aleksandar Vucic and his Serbian Progressive …
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