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UK: Truth and tolerance will define the new normal

What kind of crimes are considered 'heinous'?

Lance O’Connor arrives at Westminster Magistrates’ Court, London, where he is accused of using threatening or abusive words or behaviour at a drag queen storytelling event.

A protester who tried to disrupt a drag queen story-telling event is accused of saying gay men were “indoctrinating children into paedophilia”, a court has heard.

Westminster magistrates court heard O’Connor and his associates were blocked from the first-floor gallery where the event was held, and he is then accused of saying a string of homophobic and transphobic slurs.

“The defendant said words to the effect of ‘they are indoctrinating children in there – there’s a man dressed as a woman and he is defending paedophiles’.

“The defendant also said
words to the effect of ‘it’s not appropriate for a man to wear women’s clothing’ and made further comments about grooming and paedophilia.”


Transphobic People Face Huge Barriers to Healthcare

The Princess Grace hospital has been forced to apologise after cancelling a woman’s operation and later accusing her of discrimination when she requested care from a biological woman.

The former solicitor developed a near fatal abscess from operation delays.

Steele was due to have an operation in October last year at Princess Gate, a private hospital in central London that specialises in women’s health, but this was cancelled after Steele requested same sex care.

The former solicitor made the request after a transgender nurse unexpectedly walked into her pre-op examination room.

Steele told The Telegraph: “It is not a personal issue for me. Since my experience with HCA, I have been contacted by many women patients who are now too afraid to speak out.

It is particularly distressing to hear from disabled women, including a young woman who is paralysed and has been forced by a private agency to accept intimate care from men under threat of her care being withdrawn.

The Telegraph has reported seeing emails between staff stating that they “perceive the patient’s request and rationale as a discrimination on gender and sex against… hospital employees”.


Tate Britain drag queen storytelling protester ‘used paedophilia slurs’
A protester who tried to disrupt a drag queen story-telling event at Tate Britain is accused of saying gay men were “ind…
Evening StandardWWW.STANDARD.CO.UK
Hospital cancelled women's surgery after she complained about transgender n…
The former solicitor developed a near fatal abscess from operation delays
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