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UK: The Abominable Crime

Teenage mother found guilty of murdering newborn son

Paris Mayo, 19, has been found guilty of murdering her son Stanley after she gave birth to him alone at her parents’ home in 2019.

The prosecution built a case based on medical evidence which proved that Paris Mayo’s actions were deliberate, she chose to hide her pregnancy, give birth alone and kill her baby, then hide his body.

The death of a newborn baby is utterly heartbreaking, even more so when the person who is responsible is the baby’s own mother.

The court had previously heard Mayo was 15 when she gave birth to Stanley alone and unaided in a living room at her parents’ home on March 23 2019.

She assaulted Stanley, leaving him with a fractured skull, and stuffed five cotton wool balls into his mouth before putting his body in a bin bag, leaving it on the front doorstep and going to bed.

Mayo’s mother found the child the next morning when she looked inside the bloodstained bag and immediately called 999, the court was told.

The teenager had earlier denied causing Stanley’s complex skull fractures, thought to have been caused by her foot on his head, claiming her son was already dead when he was born.

However, jurors were told Stanley is thought to have lived for a little over two hours after his birth.

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