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Pew Research: Spirituality Among Americans

How many Americans are spiritual?

7 in 10 U.S. adults describe themselves as spiritual in some way, including 22% who are spiritual but not religious.

Young Americans are turning away from organized religion and replacing it with their own mix of spiritual elements drawn from many sources, including Asian religions and Native American traditions, as well as New Age beliefs about crystals, tarot cards and the like.

  • 83% of all U.S. adults believe people have a soul or spirit in addition to their physical body.
  • 81% say there is something spiritual beyond the natural world, even if we cannot see it.
  • 74% say there are some things that science cannot possibly explain.
  • 45% say they have had a sudden feeling of connection with something from beyond this world.
  • 38% say they have had a strong feeling that someone who has passed away was communicating with them from beyond this world.
  • 30% say they have personally encountered a spirit or unseen spiritual force.

The survey finds that 71% of Americans believe in heaven, while somewhat fewer – 61% – believe in hell and 60% believe in both.

More than half of U.S. adults (57%) believe that in the afterlife, people definitely or probably can reunite with loved ones who also have died.

We asked respondents whether they have ever had specific otherworldly experiences.

Fully 45% say they have had a sudden feeling of connection with something from beyond this world, and 38% say they’ve had a strong feeling that someone who previously passed away was communicating with them from beyond this world. Three-in-ten say they believe in spirits or unseen spiritual forces and also say they have personally encountered one.


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