Netherlands residents among world top when it comes to trust in the news
In 2023, 57 percent of Netherlands residents had confidence in most of the news, and 65 percent trusted the news they use themselves. According to the annual Digital News Report (DNR), the Netherlands is one of the leaders of the 46 countries surveyed on trust in the news. The figures were published on Wednesday.
The DNR by the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism shows the state of trust, interest in, and use of news. For the Netherlands’ results, Reuters collaborated with the media watchdog Commissariat for the Media (CvdM).
“Although the headlines sometimes suggest otherwise, the DNR shows that confidence in the news is still high in the Netherlands. Before the coronavirus, there was a slight decrease in confidence in news, but the trend has reversed during the corona years.”
The CvdM called the stability of confidence in the Netherlands “remarkable” because trust in the news has fallen in many other countries in recent years.
As in previous years, television dropped further as the most important news medium. Social media is popular among the younger generation as their primary news source. The position of print news again weakened.
However, the research showed that the trend of fewer people being interested in the news is continuing. In 2023, over half of Netherlands residents were still extremely or very interested in news.
Самые доверчивые - финны
Согласно новому отчету Reuters Institute, финны имеют рекордно высокий уровень доверия к своим средствам массовой информации и ценят финансируемые государством СМИ больше, чем в других странах.
Целых 76 процентов финнов доверяют средствам массовой информации.
Что касается средств массовой информации в целом, то 69% заявляют, что доверяют им. Финляндия — единственная страна, где это мнение разделяют более двух третей.