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Stop the witch-hunts against Brexiteers before British democracy is destroyed!

Happy three-year anniversary to the moment Westminster’s woke blob officially declared war on the democratically elected government of the United Kingdom.

The snivel service conspired with the craven Brexit-hating MSM – especially The Guardian, British Bashing Corporation, Woke ITV and Sly News ¬–to bring down Boris in a farcical Partygate witch hunt.

Once they succeeded, it was the turn of Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab thanks to a spurious bullying probe.

And now they’re determined to finish off the Brexit spartan Suella Braverman, a Home Secretary on a mission to stop the boats and bring down net migration.

All of this is completely transparent and disgustingly anti-democratic.

It is very concerning that an unelected group of civil servants believe they are running the country.

Believe they have the power to finish political careers and frustrate the manifesto pledges to which the Conservatives were elected on in a landslide in 2019.


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