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Pro-Europe, civic rights coalition faces Internal strife

Is Making Junior Partner Worth The Trouble?

Many supporters of the two junior partners in Poland’s ruling coalition are dissatisfied with the work of the government, a new poll has found. By contrast, voters of the main ruling group, Civic Coalition (KO), are overwhelmingly happy with its work.

The findings come from an Ipsos poll. The poll asked supporters of KO, Third Way, and The Left how they “assess the actions of [Prime Minister Donald] Tusk’s government in the context of expectations and election promises“.

Among supporters of Tusk’s KO, 89% are satisfied and only 9% said they are disappointed. By contrast, the figures for Third Way were 46% and 32% respectively, and for The Left 53% and 36%.

Meanwhile, supporters of PiS and Confederation were asked how they assess the actions of their respective parties since the 15 October 2023 elections.

Almost three quarters (74%) of PiS voters are satisfied with their party while 18% are dissatisfied. For Confederation, 85% are satisfied and only 8% dissatisfied.

Finally, the poll asked respondents who said they hold no party affiliation whether they assessed the ruling coalition or the opposition more favourably. The proportion choosing the ruling coalition, 42%, was significantly higher than those picking the opposition, 10%.


Many voters of junior partners in Polish ruling coalition dissatisfied with…
By contrast, voters of the main ruling group, Civic Coalition (KO), are overwhelmingly happy with its work.
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