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Ter Apel is a village in the north of the Netherlands where a refugee accommodation center is located

A new emergency regulation has been in force in Ter Apel since noon on Saturday. It is now forbidden for asylum seekers who are not yet registered at the application center to move around the center. The emergency ordinance applies until Oct. 1.

Hundreds of people regularly slept on the grounds in front of the application center in recent weeks. This resulted in unsafe and unhygienic situations.

The Netherlands Council for Refugees says the organization is "scared" by the new emergency ordinance. "The measure raises many questions," said a spokesperson.

For example, the organization wants to know whether it is allowed to prohibit asylum seekers from entering an area where other people are welcome.


Ter Apel becomes prohibited area for unregistered asylum seekers
A new emergency regulation has been in force in Ter Apel since noon on Saturday, the security region reports. It is now …
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