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Netherlands: The struggle for social equality

The new Housing Act will give municipalities the power to force someone selling their home to sell to people with a lower or middle income. A parliamentary majority supports Minister Hugo de Jonge’s (Public Housing) bill.

The idea behind this measure is to make sure people with lower incomes can find a home. Now, they often have to bid against wealthier buyers in the tight housing market.

Coalition parties VVD and D66 are critical of the amendment, saying the Minister infringes on homeowners’ property rights.

If you then sell your house - which you worked hard for - and an alderman decides who you can sell it to, that’s just not good. It’s about people’s freedom of choice.

Pieter Grinwis of coalition party ChristenUnie called the D66 and VVD objections “typical liberal individualism.”

Now house seekers in a village are being outbid by people from outside who have a lot of money to spend.


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