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Англия: Криминальная хроника

Too young to kill

Two 12-year-old boys charged with murder and possessing a machete have appeared before a Crown Court judge and been remanded into youth detention until next year.

The youths, who cannot be named because of their age, made a nine-minute appearance at Wolverhampton Crown Court on Monday, charged with the murder of Shawn Seesahai.

Mr Seesahai, aged 19, was pronounced dead at the scene on Monday November 13, after being found stabbed on Stowlawn playing fields in East Park, Wolverhampton.

As well as a count of murder, the boys face a second charge alleging they were in possession of “an article which had a blade or was sharply-pointed, namely a machete” without lawful authority.


Two 12-year-olds accused of murder appear before Crown Court judge
The youths cannot be named because of their age.
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