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Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah party released a video in which terrorists of Fatah’s terror wing, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, are seen participating and bragging about their role in the October 7 slaughter of Israelis.

The video opens by showing Fatah terrorists with yellow Fatah headbands firing Kalashnikov rifles at an Israeli kibbutz. Screams of “Allahu Akbar” (“Allah is greatest”) are played in the background.

A Fatah terrorist then presents captured Israeli military equipment and says:

We have plundered from them … Today we broke into the military post Nahal Oz [sic. It is a civilian kibbutz] and we hit what we hit, we took as plunder what we took,  and we killed soldiers and stepped on their heads.

Another Fatah terrorist gloats that the video of the dead Israeli will be seen by Israelis: “You [Israelis] will see this with your own eyes, Allah willing.”

Another Fatah terrorist continues to brag about Fatah’s participation in the slaughter: “Allahu Akbar and praise Allah … From the heart of these temporary [Israeli] settlements, Allah willing, we had a prominent and clear role.”

Palestinian Media Watch exposed another video in which Fatah’s terror wing bragged that it helped Hamas “behind enemy lines” and praised the massacre as a first step to liberate all of “Palestine.”


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