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An ardent opponent of sexist culture in the workplace

FH head Lizette Risgaard has apologised for touching young male staff members in an inappropriate manner for years.

Considered one of the most powerful women in Denmark, Risgaard has lead FH since 2015 and was elected to chair the organisation as recently as 2022. Prior to that, she was deputy head from 2007-2015.

With about 1.3 million members spanning across 65 organisations, FH (Danish Trade Union Confederation) is the largest national trade union confederation in Denmark.

According to FH, it is recognised as the most representative workers’ organisation in both the private and the public sector.



Union boss accused of inappropriate behaviour - The Copenhagen Post
FH head Lizette Risgaard has apologised for touching young male staff members in an inappropriate manner for years
The Copenhagen PostCPHPOST.DK
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