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Hungarian-Israeli Relations at All-time High

The political and economic relations between Hungary and Israel are stronger than ever

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó stressed that cooperation between the two countries has always been characterized by mutual respect, and that Hungary has always supported the right of the Jewish state to self-defense and to guarantee security.

We condemn all the terror threats and terrorist attacks that Israel has faced in the recent past, and we equally condemn the practice in international political organizations of adopting statements of condemnation against Israel on the basis of a one-sided, biased and unfair attitude.

According to Péter Szijjártó, the government will continue to push for a balanced and fair approach in international organizations, including within the UN.

The minister also announced that Hungary decided to intervene on Israel’s behalf in the international court proceedings brought by the Palestinian Authority against Israel.

Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Kohen expressed his gratitude for Hungary’s support for his country in the international community and for its consistent support for Israel as a friend.

I would also like to thank the Hungarian government for its zero tolerance towards anti-Semitism. We appreciate this very much and thank you very much for your attitude towards the Jewish community.


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