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Without vision or perspective

The threatening deficit, the biggest drop in the standard of living, and sky-high inflation

Since the time of the Covid-19 pandemic and the adoption of the Green New Deal, the Czech Republic has not behaved as an autonomous unit, but as part of another large entity in which it does not have its own place. It accepts a European solution.

Of course, we have ourselves to blame in the first place because we cannot define what we want as the Czech Republic. That is also why we follow. We accept a policy that is acceptable to public opinion in Germany.

Logically, we do not understand why we should give up, for example, nuclear sources of energy, without which our standard of living and competitiveness will decrease.

Europe has seen slower growth in the last decade, losing economic strength, losing in technology in the fight with the U.S. and China, concentrating only on ideology, and not serving to motivate anything. It only restricts, regulates, subsidizes, degenerates from self-sufficiency, and denies the regularities that once put it on top.

Giving is possible when there is something to give; it is possible when someone creates something. The strong is the one who does it himself, not from subsidies that someone has to earn.

The Czech economy ceases to be a market economy and becomes subsidized. The national debt grow to record highs. Every debt must be paid and what will the price be? Nothing is free. Will Brussels pay?

And will we pay social benefits from European funds to implement the Green New Deal, because people’s mobility will be reduced, housing, and the overall cost of living will become more expensive?

The number of people who will not be able to ensure their existence without the help of institutions or the state will grow. They will become vassals, subjects of the state, thus losing not only their freedom, but also their dignity.


Czechia under Petr Fiala is an indebted country without vision or perspecti…
The casual approach of Petr Fiala’s government to the threatening deficit, the biggest drop in the standard of living, a…
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