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EU: Working life duration

When is the best time to retire? How about never?

Since 2013, the expected average duration of working life steadily increased in the EU. In 2023, the expected average duration of working life for 15-year-olds in the EU was 36.9 years. 

The highest were recorded in the Netherlands (43.7 years), Sweden (43.1 years) and Denmark (41.3 years). By contrast, the lowest working life durations were recorded in Romania (32.2 years), Italy (32.9 years) and Croatia (34.0 years).

For men, the expected duration of working life was on average 39.0 years in the EU, with the longest durations recorded in the Netherlands (45.7 years), Sweden (44.1 years), Denmark and Ireland (both 42.8 years), and the shortest in Croatia (35.4), Bulgaria and Romania (both 35.6 years).  

For women, the average duration of working life in the EU was 34.7 years, with the longest durations recorded in Sweden (41.9 years), followed by the Netherlands and Estonia (both 41.5 years), with the shortest in Italy (28.3 years), Romania (28.5 years) and Greece (30.6 years). 


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