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Regina probationum

Sture Ragnar Bergwall (born 1950), also known as Thomas Quick 1993–2002, is a Swedish man previously believed to have been a serial killer, having confessed to more than 30 murders while detained in a mental institution for personality disorders.

Between 1994 and 2001, with no eyewitnesses or technical forensic evidence to connect him to the crimes, Quick was convicted of eight of these murders solely on the basis of his own confessions while undergoing recovered-memory therapy on benzodiazepines followed by police interrogations.

However, he withdrew all of his confessions in 2008. As a result, his murder convictions were quashed, the final one in July 2013, and he was released from hospital.

The episode raised issues about how murder convictions could have been obtained on such weak evidence, and has been called the largest miscarriage of justice in Swedish history.


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