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The subtle difference between incitement to violence and righteous anger

A trans activist, who served 30 years in prison for kidnapping and attempted murder, called for protesters to “punch” gender critical people “in the f***ing face" at a Trans pride march.

Sarah Jane Baker - a campaigner for trans prisoners - addressed campaigners at the event on Saturday.

Baker was released from prison three years ago following the kidnapping and attempted murder of her stepmother’s brother, and for attempting to kill another prisoner while incarcerated.

At the march on Saturday, she told the crowd: “I was going to come here and be really fluffy, be really nice and be really lovely and queer and gay and laugh.

But if you see a Terf, punch them in the f***ing face.

Terf is an abbreviation for trans-exclusionary radical feminist, a term used to describe people who believe that a trans woman’s gender identity is illegitimate.

London Trans Pride has defended the comments saying while it does not condone violence, many speakers at the event “hold a lot of rage” which they “have the right to express” through words.

A spokesperson said:

Sarah and many others in our community hold a lot of rage and anger and they have the right to express that anger through their words.

We do not condone violence, we do not back a call to arms for violence of any kind. We do condone righteous anger and the right to the free speech that was expressed yesterday. We have and will continue to march in peace.

Karen Varley, founder of Conservatives for Women, said that while Baker has a history of serious violence and was “freely inciting others to commit violence against women, in full view and hearing of police officers”, women “are told we are bigots if we express concerns about sharing spaces where we are undressed or vulnerable” with trans women.

We look forward to hearing condemnation of this from the Mayor of London and the Met Police who have been influenced by lobby groups like Stonewall to insist there is ‘no debate’ to be had over so-called ‘trans rights’.

Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, said:

The mayor is a proud LGBTQI+ ally and has been clear in his support for the trans community. He is also clear that violence is never acceptable.


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