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Германия: Демографические новости

Germany's population will increase by 1.12 million people in 2022

The large number of refugees from Ukraine contributed to the increase in Germany's population by 1.3% last year, bringing the number of citizens in the EU's most populous country to 84.4 million people.

The biggest increases were registered in the two largest cities in the country - Berlin and Hamburg, where there was an increase of 2.1%.

At the end of last year, 12.3 million people with foreign citizenship lived in Germany, according to data from the statistical office.

Of these, 1.34 million are Turkish citizens, who have been the largest minority in the country for decades.

The Ukrainians were 1.05 million, which is an increase of 915 thousand compared to 2021.

After them are the Syrians, who noted an increase of 48 thousand people, and thus their total number reaches 883 thousand people.

Overall, the number of foreign citizens living in Germany increased by 1.4 million, while the number of German citizens decreased by 309,000, mostly due to negative natural growth. As a result, the proportion of the population without a German passport increased from 13.1% to 14.6%.

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