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Debanking: Подсказка для израильских банков

We do not have a functioning democracy if you cannot access a bank account

Anti-Brexit campaigner Gina Miller is urging the Government to investigate bank account closures after she claims to be a victim of debanking.

The businesswoman opened a Monzo account for her True and Fair party in November 2021 but received an email this month saying it would be closed in September.

She claims the bank would not inform her why the action had been taken.

It comes after Nigel Farage’s account with Coutts was closed earlier this month after the bank said they no longer wanted him as a customer.

A 40-page dossier revealed Coutts chiefs made a concerted effort to “exit” him as a customer as they didn’t believe the former Ukip leader aligned with their views.

Farage says the debanking issue is "more important" than "any particular political issue".

Speaking on GB News, he said:

There are issues in life that are bigger, more fundamental, more vital and important than what we think about any particular political issue.

Either we want to live in a free, democratic society or we head towards a model of a Chinese Communist social credit system.

And I would absolutely support Gina Miller's right to have a bank account, as I would Jeremy Corbyn or anybody on the extreme left.


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