Bulgarian Doctor: We are Waiting for a Vaccine that will Protect us Completely from COVID
“I hope that another type of vaccine will be developed soon, according to the classic method, long-lasting vaccines, multifactorial, which with one injection will completely protect us from current and future variants of the coronavirus.”
This was said by the infectious disease specialist Prof. Georgi Popov from Sofiamed University Hospital.
“We are actively working in this direction in the world. Such a promising vaccine is a joint development of Austrian and French companies - a vaccine against the whole virus. There is even approval from the EMA. Therefore, anyone who hesitates, let them wait and apply this vaccine, developed according to the classical methods, approved 100 years ago”, he commented.
According to the doctor, the vaccine should protect us from the disease, but there is no such vaccine at the moment, and those on the market have compromised themselves.
Are the available drugs against the infection effective?
When a working drug against coronavirus is found, then we will defeat the virus, not when we have vaccines and even monoclonal antibodies, Prof. Georgi Popov is categorical.
Pandemic forecast
Prof. Popov expects the pandemic to end because the virus will mutate enough and even if it is artificially created, at some point it will weaken and self-destruct or become an endemic virus.