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Chief Prosecutor Ivan Geshev was traveling alone in the armored car with his assigned security guard from the National Security Service when an explosion occurred near his car. Members of his family did not accompany him.

The matter came to light after, on the day of the incident, the chief prosecutor himself told the "Epicenter" website that his children were very scared, and what was said in the wider context of the event left the impression that he was accompanied by his family. This version was also spread by some media as undisputed and was not refuted the same day. GERB leader Boyko Borissov also repeated it, expressing sympathy a day later.

The damage to the armored car was minor

The car of the chief prosecutor is better protected than the one in which the president travels.

The presence of the Israeli expert is another ambiguity surrounding the Geshev incident, which occurred on the May 1 holiday shortly before noon. The head of the investigation Borislav Sarafov and his deputy Yasen Todorov announced his participation in the investigation without naming him by name. According to Todorov, the foreigner is an expert on terrorism, but it was not specified what kind of work he is doing in Bulgaria and by whom he was invited.


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