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Ну, курс обмена "палестинцев" на наших заложников они сами установили, так что пусть не жалуются.


We delayed our strike twice, because we identified civilians in the area. We had aerial surveillance that had been monitoring the Hamas compound for a few days. We conducted the strike once our intelligence and surveillance indicated that there were no women or children inside the Hamas compound, inside those classrooms. Despite the complex operational conditions, our Air Force used precise munitions to target the three specific classrooms that the terrorists were hiding inside.

Sadly, we saw some media outlets fall for Hamas’s tactics yet again, before checking the facts. While Hamas abuses international law, the IDF will continue operating according to international law. The systematic abuse of UN facilities is a war crime and it must be stopped by the world.


Чот какт с 94 до 200 выросло. Ждал в финале "... ваще всех, даже уже умерших и ещё не зачатых...". Не дождался. Долго и яростно думал.

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