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World without struggle, oppression and exclusion

Queer Amsterdam wants to ban Israeli flags at Pride Walk, the authorities prohibit ban

Amsterdam mayor Femke Halsema reports that there is no ban on carrying the Israeli flag during the Pride Walk organized by Queer Amsterdam on July 20. "The Pride Walk is a manifestation that falls under the right to demonstrate. However, freedom to demonstrate does not give the right to impose censorship on demonstrators. An organization can, therefore, not forbid people who want to participate to express themselves. It is unacceptable that people who want to carry a flag should not be allowed to do so," said the mayor.

The foundation Queer Amsterdam announced on Instagram on Thursday that Israeli flags are not "allowed" at the Pride Walk through the center of Amsterdam. In response to questions about the flag ban, a spokesperson for the foundation referred AT5 to the website, which states that "no form of Zionism is tolerated."

On Saturday, Queer Amsterdam for the Instagram post and said that the message "caused an understandable uproar", the foundation said. "We have amazing speakers from varying backgrounds like activists from organisations like Erev Rav, Homomonument and Amsterdam Citi Rights, who we look forward to welcoming."

The organization also stated that their "intention was to express our stance against the Zionist practices that have led to the current oppression of the Palestinian people."

Our vision is a world without struggle oppression and exclusion because of who you are, love or how you identify. We strive for a world where everyone can be themselves and love and live freely. This includes all places of the world, as LGBTQIAP+ people exist everywhere, and our fates are tied.


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