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День независимости Болгарии

Today marks the 115th anniversary of Bulgaria's declaration of independence.

On September 22, 1908, Bulgaria rejected its political vassal dependence on the Ottoman Empire, a result of the decisions of the Berlin Congress in 1878, and became a sovereign state, an equal partner of the other European countries. Today's date has been celebrated as an official holiday of the country since 1998.

The declaration of independence became possible 30 years after the Russo-Turkish war of 1877-1878 after which Bulgaria was liberated from the Ottoman yoke. Only in the summer of 1908, after the Young Turk revolution in the Ottoman Empire, conditions were created for Bulgaria to proclaim its independence.

The decision to declare independence was made in August 1908 at a meeting between Prince Ferdinand and Prime Minister Alexander Malinov in Hungary. On September 22, in the Church of the Forty Martyrs, Bulgaria was declared an independent kingdom, and Prince Ferdinand I assumed the title of Tsar of the Bulgarians. The place was chosen specifically to emphasize the continuity with the medieval Bulgarian state.



Today marks 115 Years since Bulgaria’s Independence - Novinite.com - Sofia …
Today marks the 115th anniversary of Bulgaria's declaration of independence. On September 22, 1908, Bulgaria rejected i…
115 лет со дня провозглашения независимости Болгарии
22 сентября 1908 года, спустя три десятилетия после освободительной для Болгарии Русско-турецкой войны 1877-1878 гг., н…
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