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EU is the largest funder of the Palestinian Arab terror

Israel is at war with terror and the EU needs to choose sides

MEP Joachim Kuhs is a member of the Budget Committee and Budget Control Committee in the EU Parliament, and is currently serving as Chair of the AfD Group. 

The EU foreign affairs representative Josep Borrell announced yesterday that the EU would continue funding the terrorist "state" of "Palestine".

Germany and the EU are the largest funders of the Palestinian Arab terror entity worldwide, with €1.18 billion from the EU 2021 to 2024. According to Israel Behind the News, Germany funded Hamas-allied UNRWA with $210 million 2020, and the EU with $157 million. On November 16, 2021, German Deputy Secretary of State Miguel Berger promised an additional €146 million to UNRWA.

While German foreign aid minister Svenja Schulze announced Monday that €125 million for “Palestine” would be temporarily suspended, Annalena Baerbock’s foreign ministry said it would not be suspending aid. In April 2022, Baerbock pledged an €340 million euros for 2021-2022 to the Palestinian Arabs, despite the scandal surrounding Mahmoud Abbas, who blamed Israel for “50 Holocausts” while standing next to German chancellor Olaf Scholz.

The German government has repeatedly refused to disclose how much German taxpayers' money flows to anti-Israel NGOs in Israel and the the Palestinian Authority territories. In response to repeated queries from my party, the German government stated that German funding for NGOs in Israel and the Palestinian territories is “classified" due to “security concerns.”

The "High Representative" of the EU in Ramallah, Sven Kühn von Burgsdorff, is known for fueling "Palestinian" terrorism and financing illegal Arab settlements with EU tax money.

On June 21, 2022, von Burgsdorff donated €224.8 million to the corrupt "Palestinian Authority". In 2020, von Burgsdorff sabotaged EU efforts to end financing for terrorist NGOs, writing that persons “affiliated to, sympathizing with, or supporting any of the groups mentioned in the EU restrictive lists are not excluded from benefiting from EU-funded activities.”

Even as a member of the EU Budget Committee and Budget Control Committee, it is not possible for me to find out exactly how much money the EU is spending in Israel and “Palestine”. This is not acceptable.


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