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How to solve the problem of rising food prices?

Netherlands: Cabinet has no plans to intervene

Food prices in Europe have risen steadily due to the energy crisis and inflation. This is also felt by the Dutch at the supermarket checkout. Neighboring countries, such as France and Belgium, are therefore trying to force manufacturers to lower food prices. The Dutch government, however, sees no reason to take action against the overpriced groceries.

Buying food and beverages is becoming more and more expensive. In May alone, food was almost 13 percent more expensive than in 2022. While no action has yet been taken in the Netherlands to stop these price increases, the French government has reached agreements with the 75 largest food producers to limit price increases. If the French manufacturers do not comply with the agreements, their names will be published, using the so-called naming-and-shaming method.

However, the Dutch government does not approve of the method and has no intention of intervening.

To solve the problem of rising food prices, other measures have been taken so far, Micky Adriaansens, Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, stressed.

I understand that people are concerned. In recent times, many have of course felt inflation in their wallets.

We have therefore increased minimum wages and benefits, introduced the price cap for energy and increased benefits.

Also, the Consumers' Association is skeptical about the French and 0Belgian approach. "The Dutch market is much more competitive than the French one, where hypermarkets in smaller towns often have a monopoly," explained a spokesman.


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