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It was supposed to be a surprise

Canadian House Speaker Anthony Rota Apologizes for Epic Gaffe

On September 22, 2023, following an address to the Canadian parliament by Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Rota introduced and recognized Yaroslav Hunka in the parliamentary galleries. He identified Hunka as a "war hero" who fought for the First Ukrainian Division; Hunka was applauded by members of all parties.

Subsequent media reports identified Hunka as having been a member of the 14th SS Division in World War II.

Two days later Rota issued an apology saying, “In my remarks following the address of the president of Ukraine, I recognized an individual in the gallery. I have subsequently become aware of more information which causes me to regret my decision to do so.” He added,

I particularly want to extend my deepest apologies to Jewish communities in Canada and around the world. I accept full responsibility for my action.

Rota said that neither the Ukrainian delegation nor any other MPs were aware of his plan to recognize Hunka.

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