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Per Laber on Gab

Per Laber @ Laber_Per

For decades, the left demanded drastic changes. To stop the corruption of the corporate media, the behind-closed-door decisions, the globalism, the drastic increase in power for the political class and the gaining of massive wealth to the super-rich. They demanded that more voices should be heard from the people and better political decisions made for the people, by the people.

More rights, more free speech, more transparency, no more endless wars.
They were completely right about this development in our societies.

They failed though, as their own parties went the other way.

Along comes a number of “right-wing” populist parties across Europe, most of them pretty much like the Social Democrat parties of yesterday. With a political agenda to stop the corruption of the corporate media, the behind-closed-door decisions, the globalism, the drastic increase in power for the political class and the gaining of massive wealth to the super-rich. They demand that more voices should be heard from the people and better political decisions made for the nation, by the people. More rights, more free speech, more transparency and no more endless wars.

The left hated it. All of it and everyone even remotely for it. Despite many of them coming from the left themselves.

Then we got Donald Trump in the US.

They went completely insane. They are now using every means to fight everything and everyone dissenting even the slightest.

  • More wars, check.
  • Violence in the streets, check.
  • Hate and division, check.
  • Support the super-rich and the political class as they gain wealth and power like never before, check.
  • Support removing our rights bit by bit, check.
  • Turning their backs on their own, check,
  • shutting down discussions and free speech, check.
  • Impose totalitarianism, check.

Instead they focus their attention on the weather and pronouns, things that apparently now scares them almost as much as the right-wing-is-evil lie. This is exactly how an ignorant, controlled and brainwashed general population behaves. Isn't it.

I can only congratulate the left-wing liberals, the Marxists, the socialists and the rest of the left. Your attention to the schools, the academia, the media and the culture for decades has really paid off for you. Hasn’t it.


Per Laber on Gab: 'For decades, the left demanded drastic changes. T…'
Per Laber on Gab: 'For decades, the left demanded drastic changes. To stop the corruption of the corporate media, the be…
Gab SocialGAB.COM
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