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Intelligence services used journalists in operations

The Dutch Review Committee on the Intelligence and Security Services (CTIVD) investigated all operations in which journalists were used as agents by the MIVD and AIVD from 2019 to 2023. The journalists hired by the AIVD have various nationalities, and intelligence has been collected in and about various countries. Journalists used by the MIVD live abroad and have foreign nationalities. The report did not mention the number of journalists used.

CTIVD claims that there is no reason to assume that the journalists were pressured into working as agents. During the recruitment, it was possible that they initially did not know that they were speaking with the AIVD. According to the recommendations, this is only allowed in exceptional circumstances because journalists have to be able to assess independently whether collaborating with the AIVD is worth the risk that comes with it.

When using journalists for their operations, the services must follow the recommendations set on policy and work instructions within six months. It can never become public information that a journalist is working as an agent for the intelligence services.

The Dutch Association of Journalists (NVJ), was shocked upon learning that the services had approached journalists. “There were suspicions for two years. We are shocked by the confirmation that the suspicions were correct,” said the association's general manager, Thomas Bruning.

The NVJ believes that journalists should be able to work independently.

Our existence is connected to the credibility among the public. However, it is also about the safety of journalists in other countries. It is of added importance that they make it clear that they are not a part of the Dutch government. If you are seen as an extension of an intelligence service or police, that makes you vulnerable; it affects your credibility. This is very bad for the functionality of journalism.


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