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Is Australia racist?

Antisemitism in Australia, and how to counter it

600 prominent Australian leaders across government, business and sport have penned an open letter condemning anti-semitism, saying “racism in all its forms is deplorable and abhorrent”.

The letter appears in all national daily and state-based newspapers.

“We cherish the Australian way of life; one which celebrates acceptance, cultural diversity and the values of a modern tolerant democracy,” the letter states.

The letter gained signatories with evidence of rising anti-semitism in recent weeks but it acknowledges a stand “against anti-semitism, Islamophobia and any form of racism”.

Whether directed towards Jewish Australians, Muslim Australians, Asian Australians, Indigenous Australians or any other minority, we will not tolerate such conduct in our workplaces and firmly reject it in our communities.

It concludes: “Together, we are united in our support of an Australia where all citizens are treated with respect, inclusivity and dignity.”


Should Australia change its national anthem to “reflect all Australians” and “not just the first settlers”?

The panel -- which included Chinese-Australian journalist Cheng Lei, TV personality Osher Gunsberg, singer Anthony Callea, LGBTQ advocate Todd Fernando -- debated whether it was time to finally ditch Advance Australia Fair.

We need to change the national anthem so it reflects all Australians, not just the first settlers that came here. It has to respect every single culture that is in our country, we need an anthem that we can be proud of.

If enough people feel that the words of the anthem don’t reflect what they feel about being Australian then I think sure, change it.

Proposed new verses would reference “first peoples of this land” being here “for 60 thousand years and more”.

Advance Australia Fair was written in 1878 by Scottish-born composer Peter Dodds McCormick. It replaced God Save the Queen as the national anthem in 1984 following a 1977 plebiscite.

I Am Australian, written in 1987 by Bruce Woodley of the Seekers and Dobe Newton of the Bushwackers, has often been floated as an alternative national anthem.


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