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Just a piece of disinformation about California, America and the entire western world

The truth is California is no longer a Democratic but an Autocratic state

And so we come to perhaps the most terrifying truth of all: That our mainstream media refuses to even acknowledge that this is happening, or worse, knows and fails to report it.

San Francisco, once one of the world’s most dynamic cities, is in a death spiral. The life is being sucked right out of it.

This beacon of the free world is in a total mess. Stuck in a doom-loop, much like Detroit in the 1970s.

But the maths, like everything else in California, is changing. Republicans continue to shrink in number. The amount of Democrats has tripled.

As a result, since 1992, Democrats have had trifecta control of the state - except when Arnold Schwarzenegger was the Republican governor for a short while - meaning all three branches of government sit in the hands of Democrats.

They hold a 62–18 supermajority in the 80-seat California State Assembly. They have been the majority party in the assembly continuously for the past 27 years.

Republican politicians have been completely marginalised. And where has this socialist trifecta sent California? Into a spiraling decline with a decaying economy, widespread homelessness and a relentless increase in crime.

The tragic truth is, we – like everybody else - avoid certain exits in the downtown area because the traffic lights are too dangerous. If you stop, it’s just not safe. It isn't.

And with homelessness out of control and crime rampant, California’s Democrats – who should be protecting hard working taxpayers and law abiding citizens with extra police protection - are instead planning to pass new legislation that will exacerbate the problem.

A new law (SB 553) will, and this isn't a joke, make it illegal for store owners and employees to confront shoplifters.

So first they enacted laws to cut prosecution against shoplifters. Then they soften legislation releasing serial criminals back onto the streets. And guess what followed – a crimewave!

Finally, they threatened to prosecute victims of crime for merely defending themselves from criminals - such as the recent effort to indict a Walmart security guard in San Francisco who shot a violent shoplifter WHILE he was being violently assaulted.

California sums up the core economic problem facing America: The tax-paying base is constantly getting smaller while social service spending is constantly increasing.

People working like slaves, all their lives, to live in moderate rental units they could never afford to buy.


The Democrats have wrecked California and Britain must learn the lesson or …
Policymakers have failed and ordinary people are paying the price. The UK should heed the warning...
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