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New Zeeland: Issues between the gangs

Gang hui hears of 'trauma' endured by whānau of Mongrel Mob member Hori Gage

Senior members of the Mongrel Mob have travelled to Palmerston North in hopes of holding peace talks with Black Power.

Dozens of community and gang members gathered for waiata, kai and kōrero inside the marae.

The Black Power “withdrew” their participation, but the invitation remained open, and although they weren’t able to make it the gang wanted to be involved in the next hui.

Waikato Mongrel Mob Kingdom president Sonny Fatupaito said:

Unfortunately at the moment, I’m not saying it’s never going to happen, but maybe perhaps later on our Black Power cousins will sit there, and we will have this korero.

Last week, police said Gage’s death occurred in front of his tamariki, but no arrests had yet been made.


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