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The German mother of a teenager killed in fighting in Syria is to be jailed for seven and a half years, according to the Federal Prosecutor’s Office.

The 44-year-old from Bad Oldesloe was guilty of two counts of membership in a terrorist organisation abroad.

At the age of 15, she met her husband, converted to Islam and married.

The father of the family – a native of Palestine – is said to have joined IS in Syria as a fighter as early as 2015.

According to a witness, after the IS attacks in Paris in 2015, she had said that the victims deserved to die. She had told her son that it was important to humiliate and hate the infidels.

The accused had handed over her son, who was only 14 years old at the time, to the militias as a child soldier. In doing so, she committed a war crime under the International Criminal Code. She had also violated her duty of care and education by taking her son to a civil war zone. The boy had actively participated in fighting and had been in acute danger of his life on several occasions. On February 23, 2018, the boy, who was 15 years old by then, had been killed in a rocket attack. 


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