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Netherlands: Somberness, regret and hesitation prevail

Over three in five Netherlands residents think the country is going in the wrong direction

The Social and Cultural Planning Office (SCP) called it “a high level of discomfort” in a report presented on Wednesday. The dissatisfaction “could have adverse consequences for society and our democracy,” the advisory body warned.

One in five Netherlands residents believes the country is moving in the right direction. That percentage deteriorated quickly. In 2020, about 45 percent were optimistic, and 40 percent were pessimistic.

According to the researchers, the unease is greatest among people who describe themselves as “economically left-wing and culturally conservative.”

The SCP noted that unease is most significant in the rural municipalities outside the Randstad conurbation. The inhabitants there think that politicians ignore the region.

People who are liberal and pro-European see a bright future.

The SCP advised the government to do something about the problems that make people gloomy. For example, look at combating loneliness or making people more digitally skilled.

According to the SCP, it helps to give people more say, for example, through consultations and referenda.


Many Netherlands residents somber about the direction of the country: SCP
Over three in five Netherlands residents think the country is going in the wrong direction. The Social and Cultural Plan…
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