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Венгрия: Правозащитники хотят провести демонстрацию в поддержку Хамаса

Following Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s statement that Hungary cannot hold sympathy demonstrations alongside terrorist organizations, police banned another pro-Palestinian demonstration, reported Magyar Nemzet. However, the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (HCLU, Társaság a Szabadságjogokért) has appealed to the court because, according to HCLU’s Szabolcs Hegyi, “in the tense global political situation, there may be security risks involved in such a demonstration, but this is not in itself a reason to ban it”.

The HCLU, is sponsored by radical left-wing supporters, such as George Soros’ Open Society Foundation, the Sigrid Rausing Trust, that has been at the forefront of anti-government initiatives in Hungary for years, the American Bar Association, of the Hungarian MagNet Bank, known for its support for LGBTQ and civil liberties causes.


George Soros NGO Challenges Ban on Pro-Palestinian Protests at Court
The police acted in accordance with the Basic Law, according to which the protection of Hungary's constitutional identit…
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