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Man Who Shot Jerusalem Terrorists Killed By Police

A man who shot and killed at least one terrorist Thursday morning in the midst of the terror attack on Thursday at a Jerusalem bus stop, killing 3, was tragically shot and killed by police who mistook him for a terrorist, bringing the terror attack’s death toll to 4.

The latest victim was identified as Yuval Doron Castelman, 38, of Mevaseret Tzion, was on the other side of the road when the terrorists began shooting. He put his car into park, pulled out his gun and charged at the terrorists, taking out at least one of them.

In the chaos, security forces shot Yuval as well, thinking he was one of the terrorists. He was critically injured, and was rushed to Shaarei Tzedek Medical Center, where he sadly passed away.

“Yuval was always a hero and the first to leap to save lives, and he did so this time as well” his heartbroken family said in a statement.

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