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Netherlands: More suicide cases were counted this year than in previous years. Especially young adults up to the age of thirty are taking their own lives.

A worrying aspect is that the suicide rate is generally not decreasing or leveling off, but continuing to rise, according to a spokesperson for 113 Suicide Prevention.

The red month, that's what the Current Dutch Suicide Registration Committee (CANS) calls it when more than 30 suicide cases are counted in one month.

This February, the calendar turned red as even more than 30 young adults took their own lives. Compared to last year's averages of just over 20 suicide cases per month, this year's trend has drastically worsened. The increase is much greater than expected.

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NZ: Police, media and infuriated activists have defended democracy

British gender activist Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull, also known as Posie Parker, shared a photo on social media showing her being escorted by police through Auckland Airport.

She left her rally at Albert Park in Auckland yesterday without speaking, after being overwhelmed by thousands of heckling counter-protesters and pelted with tomato juice.

Parker posted to Twitter and said she was leaving 'the worst place for women she has ever visited'.

The activist also claimed she was a victim of a campaign to assassinate her character, boosted by a "corrupt media populated by vile dishonest cult members".

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UK: Annual CPIH inflation rate was last higher in February 1992

The cost of living is on the rise again. UK inflation jumped unexpectedly last month with food prices at their highest rate for more than 45 years - hitting consumers struggling to pay their bills.

  • The Consumer Prices Index including owner occupiers' housing costs (CPIH) rose by 6.2% in the 12 months to March 2022, up from 5.5% in February.
  • On a monthly basis, CPIH rose by 0.9% in March 2022, compared with a rise of 0.2% in March 2021.



Cost of living crisis: Britons call for change as 'people can't survive in …
UK inflation jumped unexpectedly last month with food prices at their highest rate for more than 45 years
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One year on from “sordid episode” “based on nothing” Porto Jewish Community wants public apology

Just over a year since mainstream media carried damning reports suggesting corruption within the Porto Jewish Community, the outraged community has issued an Open Letter to President Marcelo, calling on him to issue a public apology for what it believes to have been “shamefully instrumentalised accusations”.

“We know the Portuguese President is very sympathetic to the Jewish community and is a well-respected public figure, so such a pronouncement from his office will hopefully end this sordid episode,” says Gabriel Senderowicz, President of the Jewish community.

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Porto Jewish Community calls on President Marcelo to set record straight - …
Porto Jewish Community calls on President to set record straight; Year on from “sordid episode” “based on nothing” commu…
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Mateusz Morawiecki at Heidelberg University

Smacking others with the whip of "European values" without agreeing on their definition or understanding what changes must be made by particular countries, is precisely self-destructive for the European Union.

Once the symbol of Europe was the ancient agora. A place where every citizen could speak on equal terms. Today, all too often the European agora is replaced by the offices of Brussels institutions, where decisions are made behind closed doors.

This is a short path for the EU to become a bureaucratic autocracy.

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Mateusz Morawiecki at Heidelberg University - "Europe at a historic turning…
Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki visited the Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg. It is the oldest university in Ger…
The Chancellery of the Prime MinisterWWW.GOV.PL
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Asylum Applicants in 2022 Increase by 64% in EU

In 2022, 881 200 first-time asylum applicants (non-EU citizens) applied for international protection in EU countries, up by 64% compared with 2021 (537 400). After a considerable drop in 2020 (417 100), the numbers increased for two consecutive years but still have not reached the peaks registered in 2015 and 2016 (over 1 million applicants in both years) related to the war in Syria.

Syrian, Afghan, Venezuelan and Turkish – main citizenships of first-time asylum applicants

Almost half (46%) of the first-time asylum applicants in 2022 had Asian citizenship, while 22% had African citizenship, 17% had European citizenship (non-EU) and 14% had North or South American citizenship.

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First-time asylum applicants up 64% in 2022
In 2022, 881 200 first-time asylum applicants (non-EU citizens) applied for international protection in EU countries, up…
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The U.S. is one of the largest supporters of the Palestinian terror enterprise and this fact has been true for every administration of late—both Republican and Democrat.

A few days ago marked the 21st anniversary of the suicide bombing in which our son, then 7, and I were wounded. There is no greater supporter of Palestinian terrorism than the U.S. government.

At 4:20 pm on March 21st, 2002, a Palestinian policeman detonated himself on King George Street in downtown Jerusalem. The bomber was brought to Jerusalem by two women and sent from Ramallah by an officer in the Palestinian Authority intelligence service.

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Canada’s population grew by over 1 million last year as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s administration, with the administration arguing it is using mass immigration to plug gaps in the country’s labor market.

According to figures published by Statistics Canada on Wednesday, the country’s population was estimated at 39,566,248 as of Jan. 1, 2023, with record growth of 1,050,110 net new arrivals last year.

Canada now has the fastest-growing population in the developed world, topping the charts of OECD members, with its growth rate only exceeded by a number of African nations.

The main reason behind the surge is the policy of mass immigration advocated by the Canadian government, with international migration accounting for 95.9 percent of all recorded growth.

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На 31 декабря 2022 года 34,62% ​​жителей Швеции имели иностранное происхождение.

Сегодня (вчера) Статистическое управление Швеции опубликовало статистические данные о составе населения страны на 31 декабря 2022 года. Данные показывают, что 34,62% ​​жителей страны в настоящее время имеют каким-то боком иностранное происхождение, поскольку они либо иммигранты (т.е. включая усыновленных), второе поколение (т. е. родившиеся в стране с двумя родителями, родившимися за границей) или смешанные (т. е. родившиеся внутри страны с одним родителем, родившимся за границей, и одним родителем, родившимся в стране).

Большинство из 34,62 % имеют неевропейское происхождение, и особенно в младших возрастных категориях.

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European Commission pushes Netherlands to expropriate farmers

The European Commission advised the Netherlands to forcibly buy out farmers in the nitrogen crisis.

The failed leader of the Labor Party (PvdA) Diederik Samsom, who is now a high-ranking European bureaucrat gave that advice to Ministry of Agriculture, Nature, and Food Quality officials during a meeting in November.

Mandatory buyouts of farmers are a very sensitive topic in Dutch politics.

Farmers’ party BBB, who will soon be the biggest party in the Senate after last week’s massive victory in the provincial elections, is vehemently against forced expropriation, as is a majority in parliament.

The Netherlands’ current nitrogen policy has mandatory buyouts as the last available option.

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The Expat Essentials Index assesses how easy it is for internationals to settle when they move abroad.

The Top 10
  1. Bahrain
  2. UAE
  3. Singapore
  4. Estonia
  5. Oman
  6. Indonesia

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Uganda passes bill banning identifying as LGBTQ

Although the rest of the world makes progress towards inclusiveness, Uganda approved a bill on Tuesday that makes it unlawful to identify as LGBTQ.

The new law gives authorities broad new powers against Ugandans who already face legal discrimination and mob violence.

The law seems to be the first to ban merely identifying as homosexual, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer, according to the rights group Human Rights Watch.

Uganda to impose death penalty for homosexuality

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21 марта 1821 г. - Освобождение Калавриты от Османской империи.

21 марта 1821 года является важным моментом в современной истории Греции. В тот день 200 греческих повстанцев вошли в Калавриту, тогда самый большой и густонаселенный город на Пелопоннесе.

Греки под лозунгом «Свобода или смерть» восстали против угнетателей и начали отважную борьбу за свободу.

Греческие бойцы клялись: «Ни одного турка не останется ни в Мории (Пелопоннесе), ни во всем мире».

Под предводительством Сотириса Хараламбиса, Сотириса Теохаропулоса, Иоанниса Пападопулоса и Николаоса Петимесаса за три дня город был освобожден, и на Пелопоннесе вспыхнула революция.

Каждый год Калаврита отмечает освобождение города народными гуляниями.


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Из годового отчета госдепартамента о соблюдении прав человека в Израиле Пытки и другие жесткие, бесчеловечные или унижающие достоинство действия или наказания и другие соответствующие нарушения

Израильское законодательство не содержит конкретного запрета на пытки, хотя Израиль подписал Конвенцию ООН против пыток в 1986 г. и ратифицировал ее в 1991 г. В 2020 году правительство обязалось принять закон, прямо криминализирующий пытки, но еще не сделало этого.

Государственный прокурор утверждал, что израильский закон освобождает от судебного преследования следователей Шин Бет, которые используют так называемые «исключительные методы» в случаях, которые Министерство юстиции определяет постфактум как связанные с непосредственной угрозой.

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As Macron goes full dictator, will the EU condemn France’s slide from democracy? Don’t count on it

Both the optics and the practical reality of Macron’s decision to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64 by decree are disastrous, and they represent not just a loss of legitimacy for Macron but likely also for Brussels.

Macron, however, knows the EU will make no move to condemn his country, slap him with sanctions, or call out the “democratic deficit” in France despite his naked display of power.

It is also true that Macron technically has the power, according to the constitution, to bypass parliament, but it ultimately raises questions about whether France can even be called a democracy, especially when it relates to an agenda that the French public are passionately opposed to.

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Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has threatened to resign if no compromise is reached on the government's planned judicial reforms.

Meanwhile, Justice Minister Yariv Levin is also reportedly threatening to resign if significant compromises are made on the reforms.

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