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Crickets? It's time for a proper Brexit!

Nigel Farage has warned that a new EU law that classifies insects as food will have a huge impact on the UK, urging the Government to enforce a “proper Brexit”

Explaining the decision, the EU Commission said: “the consumption of insects (…) contributes positively to the environment and to health and livelihoods.” The E.U. executive branch also noted that insects “are a highly nutritious and healthy food source with high fat, protein, vitamin, fibre and mineral content. Therefore, they are an alternative protein source facilitating the shift towards healthy and sustainable diets.”

Farage said:

Over the last few years, there have been many people pointing the finger at the World Economic Forum saying they've got these evil plans for our future, and one of them is we'd all be forced to eat insects.
Absolute nonsense, I thought, until now.

I'd say it's time for a proper Brexit. I don't want locusts for my breakfast.



Nigel Farage warns new EU law classifying insects as FOOD will have huge im…
The EU Commission approved crickets to be used in ingredients in supermarket food
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