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Европа — болезнь, ислам – лекарство

Jetzt schon mehr Muslime als Katholiken

More than one-third of primary school children in Vienna are Muslims, representing the largest religious group among elementary schools in the Austrian capital.

According to figures published by the Education Directorate and cited by the Exxpress news site, 35 percent of primary school students are Muslims, while 21 percent are Catholic, 13 percent are Orthodox, and 2 percent are either Protestant or belong to another denomination.

Just over one in four pupils (26 percent) are classified as non-religious.

The figures show a considerable increase in the number of Muslim children frequenting Austrian primary schools compared to data published for the 2016/2017 academic year when Catholics remained the largest religious group at 31 percent compared to 28 percent of Muslims.

Vice Mayor of Vienna and City Councillor for Education Christoph Wiederkehr (NEOS – The New Austria) dismissed suggestions that the increase should be a cause for concern.

“Faith is a private matter and freedom of belief or religious freedom is a very valuable asset”.



One-third of primary school children in Vienna are Muslims, overtaking Cath…
More than one-third of primary school children in Vienna are Muslims, representing the largest religious group among ele…
Remix NewsRMX.NEWS
Wiener Volksschulkinder: Jetzt schon mehr Muslime als Katholiken
Sie stellen inzwischen die größte religiöse Gruppe an Wiens Volksschulen: Ein Drittel der Mädchen und Buben sind Muslime…
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The Netherlands cannot deport two Iraqi teenagers after instilling the genuine belief that men and women are equal into them during the years they lived in the country, the European Court of Justice ruled on Tuesday.

According to the court in Luxembourg, it is plausible that these young women will face persecution in Iraq over the norms and values they learned in the Netherlands during their formative years.

The two Iraqi girls have been staying in the Netherlands continuously since 2015. After the Dutch authorities twice rejected their asylum applications, they took the matter to court. The Dutch court asked the European Court of Justice to weigh in.

The young women argued that during their long stay in the Netherlands, “they have adopted the norms, values, and conduct of young people of their age in that society.” Should they return to Iraq, “they would be unable to conform to the norms of a society which does not afford women and girls the same rights as men.”

The European court ruled in favor of the Iraqi women, referring to the Directive on international protection, which stipulates that refugee status must be granted in cases where third-country nationals would face persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership of a particular group.



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Just over one in four pupils (26 percent) are classified as non-religious.

Почему "just"? 26% - это очень много, это второе место после мусульман, больше, чем католиков.

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