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Greek Restaurant in Melbourne Loses 90% of Profits After Supporting Israel

A Greek restaurant in Melbourne, Australia, named Mediterranean Greek Tavern, received an unexpected backlash after expressing solidarity with the Jewish community via Facebook.

According to co-owner Perry Le Greco’s statement to Daily Mail Australia, he aimed to convey his support to the tavern’s Jewish visitors. In his post on Facebook, he stated:

To all our Jewish customers, we are thinking of you in these difficult times. We hope that your family and friends are safe back home in Israel.

The restaurant faced a distressing backlash, including cancelations, no-shows, and instances of offensive abuse. As a result, the Greek tavern experienced a drastic ninety percent decline in reservation bookings, according to Perry Le Greco.

Le Greco also claimed he received numerous abusive calls from anonymous numbers. Daily Mail reports that people called him a “f***ing Jew lover” or said he had “picked the wrong side.”


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