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What’s wrong with wanting to have the joy of having grandchildren?

The scolding of former Polish president, Aleksander Kwaśniewski, for having the audacity to say he hopes to be a grandfather was a sad sight, writes Jacek Karnowski

It has been a long time since I have seen such a sad scene after former left-wing Polish President Aleksander Kwaśniewski was scolded by an interviewer for saying he hoped he would have grandchildren despite his daughter insisting she does not want to become a mother.

In an interview on Polish commercial television TVN, Kwaśniewski was asked by the interviewer, Piotr Jacoń, how he felt about his daughter’s public declaration that she does not want to have children.

Kwaśniewski responded by saying that he hoped he would one day become a grandfather. The interviewer looked shocked and reprimanded the former head of state for questioning his daughter’s right to live in the way she wants to live.

Kwaśniewski’s daughter is a TV presenter and in a recent interview she declared she did not want to have children and was rather tired of constantly being questioned about the subject.

The former president was rather sheepish in response to Jacoń chastising him. He just said he had told the truth as he felt it, but did not argue with the interviewer’s assertion that he had no right to dream of having grandchildren.

This is a pity.

Remaining silent is tantamount to accepting the intolerance which is making debate in the West impossible. The politically correct mantra is that generations don’t have responsibilities toward each other. This is the road to young couples having pets instead of kids and for the elderly to end up in care homes.

The older generation of the left should have the courage to fight for its rights, such as the rights to want grandchildren and contribute to the raising of another generation. There is no need to succumb to lunatics, who want to push our civilization into nihilism.

The road to singledom is one which always ends in tears and then loneliness.



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It has been a long time since I have seen such a sad scene after former left-wing Polish President Aleksander Kwaśniewsk…
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Право дочери жить по своему выбору не исключает права (точнее даже привилегии) отца сказать ей, в том числе во всеуслышание что она поганая овца или что угодно похлеще. Причем это даже не из сферы свободы слова. Он может ей высказать все, она должна заткнуться и слушать. Соответственно любой кто лезет ее защищать без формального представительства должен был бы быть послан на..., а с представительством - тем более - ее дело заткнуться и слушать. Правда для этого левак Квасневский должен был бы быть не-леваком и быть в курсе содержания той Книги которая устанавливает такой закон. Характерно, что Квасьневский не атаковал этого отца лесбияна даже с позиций свободы слова. На ней левый также явно не чувствует себя уверенно. В итоге он не знает о своей привилегии которую стоит охранять, он боится своей свободы ... ну вот и получает. Хотя Квасьневского еще немного жалко, а вот урода интерьвюера - совсем нет. Сам выростил моральную уродину, так еще на других лает кому такой путь не по нутру.

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